Big Battle In The Snow! Polar Bear VS Water Seal - Who Will Be The Winner

M.J. Leger That bear looked pretty thin! P:olar bears are apex predators,
but with the warming climate, ice floes that pinnipeds haul out on to rest are becoming scarce! Polar bears are starving because a lot of seals and sea lions are moving further south where they can haul out on shore or high exposed rocks in water to rest.

  Paul Couture When you say this is "my video" you imply that you shot the sequence. Somehow I doubt that. This is a poorly-edited compilation of 6 or 7 old videos. One viewer rightly asked what is a river otter doing in the video? While we are on the topic of animals you have probably noticed people asking about a "water seal"? There is no such critter! In the Polar Bear's domain, there are Harp Seals, Harbor Seals, Ringed Seals, Hooded Seals, and the list goes on but no WATER SEALS.

 The tragic story that you miss completely is that the Polar Bear likely faces extinction because of the shrinking ice in the high arctic thanks to climate change. Do some research and focus your energy on something that really matters - leave the juvenile drama behind.

  Moe Moe's I do understand what you're saying, even if its true, they only receive $560 per month and that barely gets anyone a decent living. And some homeless are just too mentally ill to even undertake a job at the most lowest of jobs. Granted its a problem but what's the answer. It's the one that are capable of working but don't that gets to me. Some even get check because they can't read.

I think that they should only get them if they are a program to learn how to read. if they don't show then they miss a percentage of their monthly allowance. And i think that you should screened for drugs if you receive free money. The couple that works 40 a week but make too much to get any type of assistance often get screened so why shouldn't they? If i was getting free monies to help me survive i would understand if i had to get screened. Until you are of retirement age or if you are physically disable then assistance should meanly be to supplement or aid while you attempt to better your situation. But still i would never judge a person homeless, welfare assisted or otherwise. Because honestly i don't know their actual personal story. I what i mainly do is to tank GOD for my blessings and believe that he will give everyone what they truly and honestly need to survive.

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