Doc Skate
First one was so freaky, even his stomach said F*CK IT.
Second one is dead already.
Third one is fallen back to normal by today.
Fourth is crippled by the sport, with no healthy joint left in his body.
Better not get freaky.
This is the most disgusting thing I have ever seen in my life, I get that these body builders want to look good and encourage a healthy life style, but come on!! They look like over filled balloons, that's not good!! Ken Behrendt
Amazing how far a person can push their physique by combining heavy exercise with the use of anabolic steroids. But, that is the price one must pay if he wants to looks like he could wrestle a tiger and win! For the 99.99+% of the rest of us a regular moderate exercise program that keeps the blood pressure down and gives us enough stamina to change a flat tire is sufficient.
you know, if i had to fight any of these guys, i'd pull out a paper and they'd run.
cause imagine having a paper cut on ur bulging vessel when being this big.
Would a truly confident person ever pursue a career in bodybuilding ? If so...
What would be their motivation ? What would fuel them to dedicate so much of their life to their personal appearance alone ?...
Confident people could care less how they are seen or perceived in the eyes of others, it's of no concern to them... Now on the other hand a insecure person would have much to gain from such an endeavor... Insecure people spend their lives conforming to how they perceive the world views them.
" Insecurities are LOUD -- Confidence is silent "
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