Funny Homemade Inventions

mrfester42 Couch-mobiles? Only in America! You wont see people in
other countries wasting their inventive brain power and disposable income on such absolute nonsense.

 They didn't even have enough sense to put a front floor board in it. Go ahead! Get drunk, ride your couch with your buddies and break your friends legs when they fall forward, get their feet caught underneath it and you're too drunk to hit the brakes in time. The bike with front and rear headsets? What utter stupidity.

 What's the point? The Uni-motorcycle. Very cool but again, what's the point? A John Deere Moto-picnic table that does wheelies! OK but so what! The yellow motor trike with the stick shift between your legs? Better you than me.

 I try and keep my balls out of harms way. The helium balloon crop duster? Now THAT was insanely ingenious. It seems that poor people and those living in poorer countries come up with the best ideas out of sheer necessity and lack of funds.

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