Fishing Monster Swordfish and Bluefin Tuna! Hunting Giant Fishes on the Sea!

Gary Vee This is just shocking.., I am a fisherman.., yes I eat fish.., but if
we keep killing the breeding stock.., as these fish were.., then there will be nothing for the future. How don't these people or even worse the Authorities see this. Fish of this size should NEVER be killed.

  Dorrie B do people want to watch this Americans seem to lead the world on the whole pc thing ALL I ever see online is America going down the pan It's no wonder when u look at their finest on the one-eyed god THANK god I don't have to live there trash fishermen are the same world over and give hard-working fishermen a bad name.

  A&A Britten These are the big breeding fish, the ones that produce thousands of eggs, and here you go…….. these fools are killing them. Take the smaller fish not the biggest. Preserve the stock not wipe it out. Foolish fisherman thinking only about today and nothing about tomorrow, usual story.

  longlowdog You don't get to be a big fish without having bred before and already passing on your genes. It is a basic tenet of hunting the world over. Stop spouting shite without doing your research you keyboard warrior. I've been a Scottish trawlerman, we are regulated, inspected, licensed and the custodians of our waters.

 We f'n hate land folk who pollute our waters and criticise our ways without a clue what goes on. Instead of reading your PETA propaganda grow some balls and go work in the storms and waves bigger than your house, watch your friends die or be harmed and learn the truth before you dare open your pitiful whining trap.


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