Totally safe! Coming to a Walmart near you

James Ford Well, let me tell you what can go wrong! She could place her
hand too far forward and saw off her hand and bleed to death. The saw could "grab" the log and cause her to loose control and the log hit her in the head. The chain could break and slam against her arm or body somewhere and lacerate her severely. A chain saw is an extremely dangerous tool and should only be used by someone wearing the proper protective gear.

Jim Wadleigh Not even safety glasses? No kevlar gloves?. And what chainsaw operator would tolerate a saw that runs at full speed once started!!? That's a basic no- no. We know Walmart is a cheap outfit, but are they too cheap to hire lawyers, let alone some trained chainsaw operators. Disgusting lack of ethics, diligence and care.

Max Renn What could go wrong? Totally safe? I rather have my arm reaching the brake guard, and pointing the blade away from me for one. Instant shut off, how the tool was intended to be in the first place. Instead of coming up with useless ideas i think its about time to incorporate a trigger shut off along with an idle switch next to it, to switch with the thumb on the chainsaw itself. For me that would be a step forward. The brake guard should stay that's a given. This device is a waste of money! 🤨

James Stoavoidscammers Walmart biggest "exposure" here is that it is a "nonstandard" use of a device which has already has a standardized use profile, not withstanding previous safety concerns. A standard example is the single wheel barrow. Even though that thing has caused massive problems for people's backs for a century the use of the two wheel wheelbarrow has never become standard because of the possibility of a lawsuit using a non-standard device.

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