This penguin swims 5,000 miles every year to visit the man who saved his life !

John Sedore Its a beautiful story but for some reason I get this heart ache knowing that one day either the man will have passed on and the penguin will be heartbroken...or the penguin will not show up and the man will be heartbroken. Either way someone wont know the reason why the absence of the other.

Eva Peralta There IS a scientific explanation. The experience caused the penguin to imprint on the human the way baby animals do with other creatures when the mother is not around. The man's kindness towards him left an imprint on the penguin's heart and vice versa. It happens often in the animal kingdom between different species. In emotional terms it's called love.

Cody Williams Amazing! I don't want penguin back to swim to ice again, because I'm afraid that shark might catch it. Scare me to lose penguin. I hope penguin staying with the nice company. (family) God bless him (rescue) and his family.

John Edwards No where does it mention 5000 miles ! it simply says the penguin comes and goes as he pleases. In other words it has not found other penguins and regards itself as a human.So returns to be with humans, It was simply imprinted to humans when rescued.
  Sue Barrett Nothing baffling about gratitude. The penguin gets it, more than so many people will, with their *busy* lives. We're so busy these days, we don't even tak the time to say thank you, but blurt out a quick "thanks" for great kindnesses. I agree with John Sedore that when one of these two dies, the other will be heartbroken. A great movie ending would have them die within days, hours, or even just moments of each other, during one of the penguin's visits.

Joanne Watson It was very beautiful penguin for the rescue from the man found the penguin stick on the oil on the body and the man tried to save his penguin to wash off the oil while take a bathing . It was very amazing story about the penguin ‘s life and very happy to be bond with the man. He had a big ❤️ heart of the penguin 🐧 to love each other to walking on the πŸ– beach. Be blessed the man and the penguin. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ™πŸ§πŸ€ŸπŸ˜˜ Rebecca Shaw Watch the movie AndrΓ©. Same type of story, based on real life about a seal, shew getting moist eyes just thinking about it, that was rescued by a fisherman, the Harbor Master to be exact, in Maine. Just find and watch it, you won't be disappointed πŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’šπŸ’“

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