Human Head Transplant Surgery

Elisa R Hutchings
200 years ago the thought of a heart transplant terrified people and
thought to be impossible the ethics were argued for ages, and there was many failed attempts. But here we are transplanting hearts successfully right now.

 For any procedure to work it had to be done a few times and processes tweaked until the techniques are perfected. The guy who had opted in was gonna die anyway from a painful affliction and is wheelchair bound, the body will be from a fresh donor probably registered as a donor.

I say onward and upward, we won’t know how the mind will react to a massive change like a new body until we actually try it, there’s a huge difference in hypothesis and actual doing it. We can’t make medical progress and breakthroughs with out actually being brave enough to try.

Laulet Gttz
I understand the procedure, but my question is: what about the brain? The memories, in reality our brain is what keep us talking, and sharing our own ideas! Have this surgeon think of that? If a friend of mine give me her head, the rest of my body will be alive, and functioning, but the It wouldn’t be me. Orr may they explained things wrong or I didn’t understand, is a body change with my own head in a different body duh!

Shumyle Khan
Its impossible....its like you are challenging God will. challenging laws of nature never get success, I bet you 200℅ this experiment will get a failure and a loss of life.

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