Flying car innovator believes he can finally make it a reality

No technological dream has captured the minds of the media quite like the
flying car. Marcus Leng of Blackfly believes his invention will allow it to become a reality. CBS News correspondent John Blackstone, who has chased down the flying car fantasy for 30 years, reports on this Silicon Valley innovator.

  Frank G I have a great design in my mind about how a flying car should be to operate effectively. i dont draw it or tell about it much. it has been bouncing around my head since i was a young teen. its in my mind for a reason and the design i knew nothing about when i was young but now i'm a older man everything my mind showed me is definitely something that physics of it are spot on. i also have a self running generator that to was a childhood vision. people may say im nuts but im far from it.

  KiR-3d It has power for 25 miles flight? If batteries (or whatever there) are comes to the end... how does it lands? My main concern is that it looks like an aircraft that is hardly possible to plane down without motors.

thom1218 The power of the electric motors on this isn't special at all: they're your run of the mill BLDC rare earth Nd magnet motors that found on all drones scaled up to draw a few kilowatts each (several on each wing) It's the adoption and improvement of lithium ion batteries, and the subsequent rise in popularity of DIY drones and components (motor ESCs and controllers etc) that has lead here.

 This is nothing more than a "man sized" drone stuffed with LiPo batteries (or LiFePO would be a bit safer) and a person.

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