This man is the eagle whisperer!

Petey Ellis How are people on here comparing having a dog or a cat as
the same as having an eagle. It's in no way the same. I can't go to my local pet store or Craigslist and come home with a freaking eagle! I don't remember seeing canned eagle food at the grocery store. There aren't any cute cuddly videos of eagles to watch endlessly.

Leigh Sunders he needs one of the big aussie eagles we have, they stand about 4-5 foot tall, wing span like a car. I still wonder why they chose a kangaroo and emu as the countries animals. .animals we all eat here, or run over regularly with our cars.. but the big wedge tailed eagles.. now thats one hell of a bird.

Ronald Brewer It’s funny how in the beginning of a post, if someone says something negative, the rest of the comments become part of that negativity. I seen this same post on a different page and the comments started off positive and kept on going that way. I just wonder if one negative person in our life’s can control the rest of the conversation!!

Charlotte Thomas This is a beautiful man! What he's doing is not easy and takes real heart to care this much for these majestic birds who could easily snap off a finger. He's truly a miracle worker. Thank you, sir! I wish I could meet you. I'm a bird lover, too.

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