Chomp vs. Captain Shrederator - BattleBots

XCAltoona All the other builders seem to love Chomp and its giant pile of engineering and technology. It's a decent testbed, in that regard, at least. Auto-targeting lidar (which they misused a bit here by their own admission), tons of custom-machined parts, magnets to hold it upright (that didn't work on this floor, realized only too late).

  Professortroll Trollology chomp will probably win against bite force next round. first piece of evidence, we got to see bite force with witch doctor and wrecks in what is presumably a rumble. the rumbles in abc are for bots who lost a fight. why chomp is going to be it, bite force is mostly flat, meaning it's more prone to hammer attacks. and for the spinner, we just saw bite forces spinner stop. we r going 2 see chomp vs. yeti

  Connor Terrill I REALLY like chomps design. (don't lynch me yet). The idea of a swinging weapon in this meta of all spinners in a breath of fresh air. Since most bots are spinners and flippers, no one is using much top armor as they don't need it verses those. This makes a swinging weapon bot pretty strong if it can actually land a good hit, (as you can see from the holes in the top of Cpt. shrederator).

The only reason Chomp sucks is due to its poor aiming system. If its automated aiming system could actually judge distance well, Chomp would be a good bot. Hell, remove the flame thrower and some of its upper armor (both of which seem totally useless) and give it a more stable base and rotation speed, maybe tank treads since they can turn while stationary and have good grip, Chomp would be top tier.
  RabidEar123 I have to point this out.I don't know if I'm the only one that notices this, but every time that a fight has major tournament implications, it usually is saved for the main event (for example, red devil vs witch doctor, poison arrow vs SOW). Now Chomp and Cpt Shred are both unentertaining and mainly strike up sore subjects with viewers, so why they would save this fight for a main event instead of Mega Tento "beating" Stinger or Nightmare beating Ice Wave is making me wonder. Maybe Chomp, by some stretch of the imagination, makes it to the championship or even wins it (which both I highly doubt).
   Steven Galiniak Chomp is probably the biggest most cumbersome piece of crap to enter the battle bot arena with an even bigger piece of crap team driving it lmao Seriously it only made it so far into the competition on luck alone. The driver failed to hit an immobile target three times and only succeeded in tipping itself over. I don't even think it was the hammer that got shrederator, I think the thing just malfunctioned for the knockout I can't for the life of me figure out what was the kill shot. I think it just shat out midway through the round.

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