This dog is so smart and friendly with people 😍💕💟

Anna Green Those who think this is a Newfoundland, you're wrong. This is a Caucasian Shepard Dog, and one should very careful with them as they are known to be quite strong-willed, stubborn and more often than not happen to be aggressive even towards people. including their own owners. This is one breed I'd not be so careless with when it comes to kids.

  Mémé Meling Why being so harsh to Anna Green? She only tells her experience and sadly it s a bad one. Why bashing her? 🙄 Take a grip people, when there is good experiences and there is the bad one. You can not judge a person because of that and being harsh to them. Be nice or show atleast some sympathy..

  Betty Losey Price I could have used that dogs help the last time I went to the Gulf Beach over in St. Pete, Fla. The large waves knocked me down and I had a hard time getting back up because I big wave came after the other. Thank God my son was near and he helped me get back up and onto the shore. If I ever go out in the Gulf again, I'll wear a life jacket.

  Toni Ricci Peters This dog is a Norwegian Keeshond; I had one, same coloring and they are very smart. He was a pure bred and actually had papers of royalty and named Noble. He was insured by the original owner for 1mil. We lost him to cancer after having him 8 years. If you ever get a chance to get one, to so but they are very expensive and wonderful dogs
to own.


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