Still travels less than James Harden

Bryan Simmons He was an excellent player, not a greatly gifted athlete. Of
course a lot of the stuff he does now, isn't meant for competitive basketball. And1 was the updated version of the Globe Trotters, with both sides being semi-competitive with the real goal being to do something that gets the WOW.

The things that he does take a ton of work to perfect, not to mention that they have to be done with a high level of showmanship. Even if it isn't my thing I can appreciate the work he puts in to do it. He wasn't ever going to be an NBA player, but then again even the NBA is becoming less and less like a real sport, and more and more like a WWE sports entertainment show.

Robert Dickerson To break his fancy foot between the phase, reach around the back, knock the ball out. He drives mostly right side, right foot should work. Keep hands low at the hips, and get closer.

  Anthony Davidson I seriously don't even fucking know why this is even a debate. If you don't like Graysons Crossovers, why the fuck waste your time to comment on it. How sensitive can you be?! He's not going to be an NBA player, he quoted that himself, and obviously he's just a street baller. He makes his living playing street ball. Why does it matter? He's happy what he's doing.
I feel its such a waste to be salty to condemn his ball handling skills, regardless of the fact he's not going to be in the nba. And1 street ball, contains Freestyle dribbling. FREESTYLE Dribbling. I really can't see why some people have some difficulty to comprehend it let alone grasp the fact enough to get out of their feefees about it.

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