This dog's legs were cut off in cruel act

Dana Benson I am so happy he was adopted, and is happy and loved by
his forever family. Anyone who could do that to a dog, should have their feet chopped off. Truly unfathomable how anyone could do that to a sweet puppy. I hope karma finds the person who did this soon.

Judy Bean Omg What is wrong with people what they get there thrills out of cutting a beautiful boys leg off they are so heartless , so cruel someone needs to cut there leg and leave them to suffer , I hate seeing things humans can be monsters at times 😠😑, I am just so pleased that someone found him and got the help he need and his with a loving family that will give him lots of love and lots of cuddles πŸ’™πŸΆπŸ’™

Robin Mg In life I wish that acts like this get highlighted when you meet someone like a digital message rolls from left to right above there head this person cut off a poor puppy’s legs then I can decide to then beat the life out of them literally

Ira A. Anderson I feel angry and powerless . I can’t understand how some individuals can be purely evil . Thanks to the kind hearted humans that help this baby recover .

Scott W Reid A dog that can be so cruelly treated yet still retain his love for mankind. And this is not an isolated case. They truly are our best friends and an example to us all in compassion and forgiveness. That said if I could find the fuckers that did this to him I would end them!!

Marie Lucas LaGreca Wow. How anyone could do this to a puppy is UNBELIEVABLE. I hope they have been charged as F-E-L-O-N-S. I love this dog. May he live every day for the rest of his life in complete bliss.

  Mina Laquinta Oh my goodness cutie's dogs are very trusting each other,and someone used that to do cruel thing, I hope justice will be made God people disgust me a lot of the time, Thank goodness for good people God bless those who helped him and bless his new home. Thank you all God bless you and love you all.

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