Superbike Funny Fails

Michigan Bob Baumgarten Not good pack riding. Ride close and tight no
screwing around. Rode in a pack of 75 bikes. Tire to fear fender tight. Keep the guy next to you foot to foot. Or you will die and kill others

Maurice Johnson It was both of them faught his for goosing it with her back there and her for jus sitting there like a knot on a log and not holding on. When i ride somebody and they want hold on i turn around and take them right back to where i got them.

  Julian Aki Sport bikes are designed to Haul ass not Asses, kinda like a motocross dirt bike, this Clown should be on a Can-Am Spyder, so when He stops He doesn’t have to remember to put His feet down!!!,

Steve Moore Should be a special license for ANY MOTORCYCLE 90 horsepower OR more. -Super bike license-. This dude should’ve known his rider would fall back ! Not using his head. If you crack the throttle on a RICE ROCKET the passenger is in danger without a backrest ~

  Bob Audrey Back in the 1989 i was in Rockford Ill. I went on a ride with about 100 bikers I had a Honda Goldwind Full Dress bike.. 1500. I miss that bike.The First ride i went on was to a BIKER Funerals......No i did not know him........... BUT I felt doing in my Heart.... So i did,,,,,,,,,, I was WELCOME in by the Biker Club..

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