Dog becomes devoted foster mother to abandoned monkey in India

Julieta Parra Delgado wow. this type of relationships make think how
much we need to learn from animals. to adapt to love and care for others. I hope the weight of the monkey do not have a lasting negative impact on the dog's hips. im pretty sure the doggie struggles for food but the heat in india may be a reason for why she looks so skinny. i pray both are receiving the care of people around.

Jolena Hasselman Probably only love and affection this dog gets. So thin. Needs to be fed more to keep them both alive. Also,needs some treatment for front left paw and leg. Looks injured and disfigured. Poor pup,but doing a great thing.

Sue Borg The poor dog need a feed that monkey should start to been winked how dare you show this give the poor dog a break that monkey will have teeth how disgusting to show this and give the dog worm tablets as well for the dog to keep producing milk must have had pups shame shame.

Sharon Ling Lee She may be a street dog and people may feed her scraps but it certainly is NOT ENOUGH if you can still see her ribs. Please feed some more.🙏🏻

Susan Munoz She is so sweet but it breaks my heart to watch these two. Wish someone would take care of them.

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