Traditional: Ways and Techniques to knock on water fibers, palm tree | Palm sugar

Decision sap from sugar palm tree, palm or palm tree (bath seat Aceh) is through the male flowers. Male flowers grow in the middle of Stem sap, in
contrast with the flowers to become fruits he split fronds growing in tree sap.

 The trick with hit banging on the surrounding trees grew where the male flower stalk and then swung crazily until a few days so that the bunches and palm interest changed to brown and the flower has bloomed, then cut the flower stalk, the stalk engineering clusters do not split. The process of hitting the trunk and bunches of flowers lasts up to several days.

Water dripping sap out at capacity through the bamboo so that water collected from morning to evening to approximately 10 liters when the lush palm trunks. Bunches of palm tapping, sap is taken to produce a variety of products such as sweets, palm sugar, vinegar and other sweetening matter. Sap tapped into a special work for large Acehnese society, because palm trees are widespread in human settlements, the opportunity was used to obtain additional results for the community.

 fibers water which has collected a lot of sweets and also cooked into sugar palm tapper effort has become a home industry producing vinegar in Aceh Besar, Aceh province. This video we produced to increase knowledge of how tree sap poured for the uninitiated. May be useful.

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