Eagle Rays

Karen Winn-Harper Beautiful! I remember living in Key West in the early
70's, walking in the ocean and watching the horseshoe crabs scuttling out of our way. I was too young to appreciate it then. What a difference age and wisdom makes. The oceans are amazing!

  Sandra Hawken I’ve seen manta rays like this swimming. They look like they are flying in water. They are magestic and awesome. This was back in my snorkeling days in Venezuela. Never get close, respect their space and enjoy the spectacle.

Virgilio Alfaro Theres many a veriety of the stingrays l see in picturespeople touching them . my self l dont fool vwith this stingrays couse l was stung by one l stepped on when l was in the navy. Dont trust this things.

  Norma Jean Spalding A dolphin a duck and a ray all dove after the same fish lolso you get a duck bill dolphin head ray. Wonder what his real name is.because he doesn't look like an eagle to me .

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