Animals Fall In Love

Robert Meehan After seeing more than my share of FB clips I've decided I
still want another beagle but now I want an owl too!!
Lelean Gibson Oh so very sweet this is how GOD wanted it to be showing love snd caring for each other , then the devil steps in and creates pure war and discard.

Brenda Mason Campos I love them all reminds us how we humans should treat each other, would be wonderful for all of us to get along and have love and happiness. there was so much love back in the Hippie days, lets bring it all back so our grandkids can see what love is.

Teresa Lightfoot How in the heck did she get a fish to kiss her?!?!?! I want to be all these ppl for 5 minutes just to get all this love!! 🥰😎💛
Greg Foss Just once I'd love to have a couple of lions come up and hug me without eating afterward. Also a couple of owl kisses would be sweet.

Barbara Beaudry what love is that, and some people think animals don't have feelings, if this doesn't convince them I don't what would, this is just the best ever.

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