When You Mess With The Wrong Player ● Crazy Moments

Zen Davis
You are obviously racist. Iam a psych student at THE OHIO STATE
UNIVERSITY and your hatred towards African Americans denotes that you are envious of us.

And you are also jealous and have a covert obsession towards us that you hope to keep obscured. Why else would you put so much energy and passion into being a bigot? Because of jealousy and envy.

Your people throughout history have tried every single tactic to marginalize and decimate my people but we still have come back stronger and more powerful. No other race besides the Native Americans could ever come back from such atrocities as slavery and jim crow but we have.

 We are strong people makin huge contributions and that's what you truly hate. You tried to erase us from the history books and minimize all our inventions such as "the building of the pyramids" but the truth is coming out. I'll pray for you and your diabolical soul.

Glasgow ME/CFS Support Group
 I know of a case where a ref was put in the boot of a car and brought up to the Dublin mountains. He was let go but just to give him a bit of fright. Think he gave it up after that.
 Stfu... this isn't racist because of the thumbnail this is clickbait! Don't lie to yourself we all came to see a cross-eyed big ass giant dude that's bigger than a gorilla confront a referee instead we seen how immature and violent soccer players are.

 But good job on trying to keep racism alive your ignorance is astounding trying to fix racism but you're keeping it going.


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